Each year, there are over 3,000 fire-related deaths in the United States, according to the U.S. Fire Administration. For those that occurred in residential buildings, 37 percent of those individuals that lost their lives were attempting to escape, and 31 percent were sleeping. Though these numbers are hard to swallow, what’s more difficult to cope […]
Plumbing Inspection
Residential water damage in the United States accounts for billions of dollars annually. Abrupt and slow trickling leaks caused by faulty water and drain pipes were identified by insurance companies as the leading cause. This blog article describes the plumbing portion of CHIs’ home inspection. Which includes; water pipes, drain/waste pipes, gas pipes, venting pipes, […]
Electrical System Inspections…
Approximately 51,000 house fires occur annually in the United States, accounting for 500 deaths, 1,500 serious injuries, and over $1.3 billion in residential property damage. Faulty electrical systems are the third leading cause of these residential building fires. Certified Home Inspections cares about the safety and well-being of northwest Indiana’s residents. Therefore, we feel obligated […]